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Welcome to the South West’s number 1 shooting ground, where your aim is our game!


The most popular option is our monthly 100 target English Sporting competition which is run under Clay Pigeon Shooting Association rules although those who enter do not have to be CPSA members. These competitions are typically shot on the first Sunday of the month over 12 positions (stands) with a mixture of 4 or 5 pairs of targets per stand, there will be a variety of target presentations over the course including crossing targets, going away, incoming and pretty much every variation in trajectory that our modern automatic traps are capable of.  CPSA members can chose to either compete for money in their class by entering “Competition” at £44 or “Birds Only” £39 which means that their scores are still put into the classification system but that they will not be eligible for any prize money.  Non-members can only shoot “Birds Only”.  We can have in excess of 150 shooters taking part in these events so book early to get your preferred start time. 

These shoots are shot in squads of up to 6 people and must be pre-booked, at which point you will be given a start time with everyone starting on Stand 1 and shooting the course in ascending numerical order.  
With a referee on each stand the squad makes its way round the course under its own steam, expect a round of 100 to take between 2 and 3 hours. English Sporting is a fun and sociable way to try competition shooting, especially if you book in with a squad of your friends, however shooting with people you don’t know is a good way to make new shooting friends.  Target difficulty is often very similar to our normal practice stands with 2 or 3 stands featuring targets that are a little tougher to separate the field. Expect the course to change each month. 

At Ashcombe we chauffeur competition entries up the hill to stand 1 so we ask that shooters arrive at least 40 minutes before their start time to allow them to get booked in and catch the transport to the stand.  On competition days we do permit the use of plastic wads by those taking part though cartridges must be clay target loads of 28 grams or less. 

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